Restoring of an involuntarily deleted Estonian company

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General requirements and info

I. Restoring the company via Commercial Register

1. Possible only in more simple cases such as unsubmitted annual reports, missing company data etc. 
2. A petition for reinstatement to the register may be submitted within three years after deletion. 
3. A document indicating the resolution of a competent body concerning the reinstatement to the register is appended to the petition.
4. Applicable for e-residents.

The registry will review the application within 5 working days and reinstate the company in the registry. 

II. Restoring the company via notary

1. Possible only in more simple cases such as unsubmitted annual reports, missing company data etc.
2. A petition for reinstatement to the register may be submitted within three years after deletion.
3. A document indicating the resolution of a competent body concerning the reinstatement to the register is appended to the petition.
4. Applicable for all clients, as services are provided via Power of Attorney.

The registry will review the application within 5 working days and reinstate the company in the registry.

III. Restoring the company via court 

1. Possible only to restore the company with the purpose to liquidate it properly, e.g. when company is involuntarily deleted by the court and the company holds assets (real estate or land etc.) in their name and ownership must be changed. 
2. Application to the court for restoring of the company 
3. Providing a reason and proof why the company needs to be restored
4. Liquidator's confirmation, as liquidator must be appointed
5. Proof of payment of state fee

The court will review the application within reasonable time and will restore the company into liquidation status. 

Required data and documents

1. Name of the deleted company
2. The reason for involuntary deletion
3. The reason for reinstateing the company
4. Passport copies, addresses, e-mail addresses of all board members (directors)
5. Passport copies, addresses and e-mail addresses of all members
6. If the members are legal persons (a company), then we need documented info - name, register number and address of the company

After the above information is provided our consultants will advise which reinstatement process is applicable for your company. 

We can also assist in removing the discrepancies and forming the additional missing documents. 

Related fees in EUR (excl. VAT)

400 EUR     Restoring through the Commerical Register

550 EUR      Restoring through the notary

600 EUR     Restoring through the Estonian court

Additional third party fees: 

250 EUR      Remote services (representation via POA) per person

200 EUR      State fee in case of restoring through Commercial Register

50 EUR         State fee in case of restoring through Estonian court


* all fees are excluding VAT

** all fees include third party fees such as notary, state and sworn translation fees, unless mentioned otherwise

*** in case the company will require a new legal address additional application after the restoration is required. In this case additional fee of 150 EUR (incl. state fee 25 EUR) will be applicable. 

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Wisor Group OÜ | Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn, Estonia | + 372 555 90 537
Service provider of trust funds and companies | Operating license nr. FIU000342  | 
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