
August 8, 2024
Official corporate documents in Estonia

Estonia, known for its advanced digital infrastructure and favorable business environment, has become an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and companies worldwide. When managing a business in Estonia, it's crucial to have access to official corporate documents, whether for compliance, legal, or business purposes. Our company offers a streamlined service for ordering these essential documents, ensuring […]

August 7, 2024
How can I delete my Estonian company?

In the dynamic world of business, understanding the full lifecycle of your company is crucial, including the less glamorous aspects like liquidation. Whether your company has naturally reached the end of its journey or you're considering a strategic move, being well-informed about the liquidation process is essential. This guide delves into the details of Estonian […]

June 10, 2024
When is the Right Time for a Company Liquidation in Estonia?

It is crucial to recognise when your Estonian company has become a burden instead of being a place to express your passion for business. Liquidating a Company at the right time and using a professional and trustworthy service provider for handling the process can save your health, time, and funds. Financially speaking, you should consider […]

May 27, 2024
Taxes in Estonia: A Competitive Tax Environment

Estonia is highly competitive and offers a unique and attractive tax system that is particularly beneficial for businesses and investors. Let's see what are the types of taxes in Estonia and where does Estonia stand in comparison to other top tax environments in Europe. Read more about tax rates in Estonia. What are the Taxes […]

May 13, 2024
Understanding Accounting Services in Estonia: Annual Report Submission

Estonia has garnered a reputation for being a business-friendly environment, especially for startups and tech companies. As it is soon the time to submit the annual reports for 2023, we would like to turn your attention to the key aspects of running a business in Estonia which involves understanding the accounting requirements and ensuring compliance […]

April 26, 2024
Restoring an Involuntarily Deleted Company in Estonia: A Comprehensive Guide of Restoring a Company

Are you a business owner in Estonia who's faced the unfortunate circumstance of having your company involuntarily deleted from the registry? If so and you are looking for ways to restore the company, then Wisor Group and our experienced lawyers are able to assist you with the restoration process. Estonia provides options for restoring your […]

April 8, 2024
Wisor Group became a member of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Wisor Group is a proud member of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry since 1st March 2024. Overall more than 3400 companies have joined the ECCI. Ceremonial handover of the membership certificate took place in the historical office building of the ECCI in Tallinn Old Town on 20th March 2024. Board members Merle Paju […]

February 12, 2024
Trustworthy company certificate

Wisor Group officially recognised as TRUSTWORTHY COMPANY by Äripäeva Infopank in 2023 and 2024. Wisor Group OÜ has received TRUSTWORTHY BUSINESS PARTNER acknowledgement and certificate from Äripäeva Infopank for two years in a row: 2023 and 2024. Relevant certificate is given only to 6% of Estonian companies and proves consistently good rating, as well as […]

January 12, 2024
Wisor Group representative Kristine Akopdžanjan speaking at the Estonian Law Students' Union's event

On 22nd Nov 2023, Wisor Group representative Kristine Akopdžanjan was invited by the Estonian Law Students' Union of her alma mater Tartu University (Faculty of Law) to make a presentation for the Union representatives and law students about her legal career which eventually led to establishing Wisor Group. The Estonian Law Students' Union's event had […]

January 3, 2024
VAT in Estonia: Changes in the Estonian Value Added Tax (VAT) Act from 1 January 2024

From 1 January 2024, the standard rate of VAT in Estonia is 22% instead of the previously applicable 20%. Choosing the right tax rate must be based on the time of supply of products and services: However, there are two transitional provisions (e.g. transactions related to long-term contracts), which you can read about following the […]

Wisor Group OÜ | Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn, Estonia | + 372 555 90 537
Service provider of trust funds and companies | Operating license nr. FIU000342  | 
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